Pitch ranges of musical instruments
*This chart only displays down to C0, though the Octocontrabass clarinet extends down to the B? below that C. Also some pipe organs, such as the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ, extend down to C?1 (one octave below C0). The contrabass clarinet and contra-alto clarinet are the two largest members of the clarinet family that are in common usage. Modern contrabass clarinets are pitched in BB?, sounding two octaves lower than the common B? soprano clarinet and one octave lower than the B? bass clarinet. Some contrabass clarinet models have a range extending down to low (written) E?, while others can play down to low D or further to low C. Some early instruments were pitched in C; Arnold Schoenberg's Funf Orchesterstucke specifies a contrabass clarinet in A,[1] but there is no evidence of such an instrument ever having existed. The contrabass clarinet is also sometimes known by the name pedal clarinet, this term referring not to any aspect of the instrument's mechanism but to an analogy between its very low tones and the pedal tones of the trombone, or the pedal division of the organ. Subcontrabass clarinets, lower in pitch than the contrabass, have been built on only an experimental basis. The EE? contra-alto clarinet is sometimes referred to as the "EE? contrabass clarinet" The Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ is the pipe organ in the Main Auditorium of the Boardwalk Hall (formerly known as the Atlantic City Convention Hall) in

tlantic City, New Jersey, built by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company. It is the largest organ in the world, as measured by the number of pipes. The main auditorium is 487' 4" long, 288' 8" wide and 137' high [1] (149m? 88m ? 42m) with a floor area of 140,000 ft? (13,000 m?), giving a volume of 1.5?107 ft? (4.2?105 m?) 41,000 sq ft (3,800 m2).[2] Consequently, the organ runs on much higher wind pressures than most organs in order to achieve a volume loud enough to fill the hall. The organ has four entries in The Guinness Book of World Records including "Largest pipe organ ever constructed", "Largest musical instrument ever constructed" and "Loudest musical instrument ever constructed", and holds several records in the organ world. It is one of only two organs in the world to have an open 64' rank,[3] and the only organ to have stops voiced on 100" of wind pressure.[3] Its console features seven hand keyboards, called manuals.[4] Construction of the organ took place between May, 1929 and December, 1932. The organ was designed by state senator Emerson L. Richards, and was built by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company of Merrick, New York. Most of the pipes were built by Midmer-Losh. Anton Gottfried made some of the reed pipes including the Brass Trumpet, Egyptian Horn, Euphone and Musette Mirabilis. The German firm Welte-Mignon provided[citation needed] the Bassoon with papier-mache resonators[5] and wooden Tuba d'Amour for the Echo division.